WTFH – Should same-sex couples be able to adopt children?
Should same-sex couples be able to adopt children?
This is a topic that have been debated since gays turned up the heat on being allowed to get married sometime are around 2002. I have questions. What are the pros and cons in any of the questions listed below?
What states allow gay adoption? If a straight person has children from a previous relationship, declares they are gay, gets married to their gay partner, should the gay partner adopt the child? Do the grandparents of the child from the previous relationship have a say so in the adoption approval? Now that they are same-sex partners, and a child is involved, does one gay partner play the role of the mother and the other play the role of the father? What kind of family court laws need to be created or changed to provide government or civil services to same-sex families. We need to hear from children over age 18 that were raised by same-sex partners – share your experience with us. What was it like to be raised by same sex parents? Did you feel you were raised in a mother/father environment? Did you experience any form of hate, bullying, or discrimination because your parents were a same sex couple? Are you straight or gay?