Race Relations in America
Race Relations in America gets a big fat F! America needs to stop debating gun control for politics and stop allowing race issues for economic gain.
A Compilation of Opinions by Zalee Harris
Race Relations in America gets a big fat F! America needs to stop debating gun control for politics and stop allowing race issues for economic gain.
Rachel Dolezal: Pioneer for a transracial society Before we begin, let me make something perfectly clear about me. I am an American born citizen born black with two black parents. I do NOT identify as African American because I was born in America and have never been to Africa. In fact, according to Ancestry and […]
Baltimore City State’s Attorney Baltimore City State’s Attorney, Marilyn Mosby In March/2013 a member of the Dallas Police Department shot my cousin’s unarmed son seven times and killed him. His name was Clinton Allen. He was not committing a crime. He was walking a night wild black. He was a new father of twin babies. […]
Statistics on Police Shootings I bet if you asked every person you know each of them would tell you that they have been affected by a police shooting either personally, a close friend, or through a co-worker or member of community/church organization. Either way, police brutality or death by cop happens too often and is […]
Let’s talk about St. Louis Political Demographics Click Here to contribute to the Legal Fund for Justice for Michael Brown. For the record. I do not live in Missouri. I do not have family in Missouri. I was born and raised in Texas. My father was a very political man. During the late 1960’s my […]
Today I want to talk about the double standard of how Marching for Justice is a Double Standard in Ferguson, MO. Given the state of racism in America, there is a lot I could talk about. Trust me, I will be posting a lot of issues in this section for discussion. I can’t wait to […]
Walking While Black June 4, 2012. A clean-shaven, neatly dressed 48-year old black guy, named A.J. Ali goes for a walk on St. John’s Lane just south of Route 40 in Howard, County, Maryland and gets stopped and interrogated by police as a robbery suspect because he “looks like he’s not from that neighborhood.” Click […]
50 Years later and jobs and justice are still issues for Blacks in America! A few weeks after my 56th Birthday, I am watching on television the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights March on Washington that was led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on August 28, 1963. The famous I Had A Dream […]
Has MLK dream become reality? I was born in August of 1957. Therefore, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, led the Civil Rights March on Washing in 1963, I was six years old. My family lived in Dallas. My parents did not travel to D.C. to participate in this historical March. By the time, […]
Should laws regarding mandatory prison terms be changed? Publish by the Washington Post at 9:30 a.m. on August 12, 2013: “The Justice Department plans to change how it prosecutes some non-violent drug offenders, so they would no longer face mandatory minimum prison sentences, in an overhaul of federal prison policy that Attorney General Eric Holder […]
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