WTFH – To the traditional family?

WTFH to the traditional family?
WTFH to the traditional family?

If you believe that a married is between one man and one woman and that married is for having babies and raising children and repeating the cycle for generations, then why is this family arrangement no longer traditional?

Okay, lets address this issue. How is genealogy created? The traditional family is quickly becoming a thing of the past. The average marriage between a man and a woman last five years. There are more single women having babies after age 30, than married couples having babies after age 30 than ever in history.

There are more teen pregnancies and more abortions than teens who taught to be virgins until they are married. More black women and black teenage girls are having their children taken away from them by child protective services than other races.  This is the reason so many black babies are in the Foster Care system. More are giving up there children for adoption.

WTFH to the traditional family?
WTFH to the traditional family?

What the “F” happened to the traditional family? Let’s talk about all of the problems. Let’s talk about the problems these problems has caused the education, economic, political, law enforcement, and religious systems.