WTFH – Did desegregation work?

Did desegregation work?
Did desegregation work?

Did desegregation work?

Let’s talk about the outcome of integration of schools in America.  Did we go from integration to simulation? Did we go from neighborhood schools to indoctrination factories or workforce development centers? What are the real education goals for America’s public schools? What did integration do for our culture? Why are school districts still busing students?

My father was totally against desegregating or integrating schools. I remember going to a school board hearing with my father. I don’t remember what the meetings were about. I remember going through crowds of people with signs and horns and everybody was angry. He fussed at those people like crazy. Later after I was grown and had children myself, I remember complaining to my father about my child’s school was busing them so far away that by the time I got off work, I could not make it to a parent meeting to see how my child was doing in school or to meet my child’s teacher. I told my father, dad you were at my school all the time. I remember you yelling at meetings and making phone calls.

My father told me that what I was going through was a reason they should not have started busing. He said at one of the hearing on school integration, he yelled: “Are you telling me that sending my daughter to a school across town so that she can sit next to a white kid is going to make her smarter?” He was not happy. He said Dallas (ISD) did not approve busing and most everyone was happy with the decision. However the state was later sued and it had to desegregate according to the feds. My father said, they were up to something. But all I could see was that they created a bus company for those white folk to get rich on government money.” He said the schools in the poor black communities had good caring teachers. All they needed was money and new books and renovation. Black kids did not need to be bused into another community to go to school.”

Did desegregation work? Or did America create a busing industry?